The filmmaker Karan Johar, and actor Vicky Kaushal collaborate for the film ‘Govinda Naam Mera‘ the OTT that has been helmed but Karan Johar. This is the first project of Vicky Kaushal and Karan Johar together. The duo appears in a funny video where Karan has seen to be pitching the script of the film to Vicky who has confused about what kind of film has set where the protagonist’s life becomes a mess.
The new trailer starts with a tremendous beginning with Kjo calling Vicky a ‘firecracker entertainer’. He immediately takes a dig up at the actor for always set to portray intense characters due to the freedom fighter or having a commando on the screen. He tells, “ Dukh tera khatam hi nahi hota.” Vicky is trying to defend himself by telling him there has been a range in the roles he has played until now. Karan has convinced that Vicky might try to do something ‘masaledaar’. He has told the actor, “Masaale mein bhi range hai, I want to see #FunVicky.”
Karan has narrated the tale that can probably become the plot of Govinda Naam Mera. Karan begins, “There is a character called Govinda,” Vickey also asks, or the “Biopic? Govinda? Chi Chi?” After, all these things he continued, “ Chee Chee, Biopic Kaun Banata Hai? It’s so done now.”
According to Karan, Govinda Naam Mera is mainly a story of a man named Govinda who dances behind the background dancers. He holds many debts for snatching away his house from him. The wife also has an affair set to beat him a lot. The only good thing is Govinda gets a girlfriend with whom he just gets on romancing in Mumbai rains.
Vicky is looking unconvinced based on the movie and trying to avoid being cast the movie and trying to evades being cast in it by telling Karan as he is very busy in the coming months. Kjo provides him the option to select between Govinda Naam Mera and Student of the Year 3.
On sharing the video, Karan Johar wrote on Instagram, “Ladies & gentlemen, @vickykaushal09 seems to have chosen…
#FunVicky! Buckle up, you don’t want to be missing this ride!.”
Govinda Naam Mera: Cast
Govinda Nam Mera features Bhumi Pednekar as the wife of Vicky Kaushal and Kira Advani come as the girlfriend. The character posters with all of the lead actors. The movie set to stream on Disney Plus Hotstar has been penned and directed by Shashank Khaitan.
Govinda Naam Mera: Release Date
Earlier, the makers had planned to drop the film in the theaters on 10th June 2022. We need to wait for the official release date of the film.
Here is the trailer:
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