To give a strong head to head challenge to the Indian TV market rulers, Shinco releases its new budget smart TV in India. The model is named S43UQLS and it comes with a 43-inch 4K HDR LED display. These all attractive specs, they are providing at just ₹20,999. Most of the other TV models at this price range provide full-HD displays only. On the other hand, this TV runs on a custom interface that runs on the Android 9 version, though this android version is not official.
Have a look at the detailed specifications of this amazing budget Smart TV –
As I mentioned earlier, this S43UQLS model by Shinco has a 43-inch display with a resolution of 3840×2160 pixels (4K) along with the HDR capability. To synchronize all the hardware, the company puts a custom interface that runs on the Android 9 Pie. This is called Uniwall UI. As per the company, this UI supports plenty of popular apps and streaming services like YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar, and so on.
For smoother performance, there is 2GB of RAM with an A55 quad-core processor. A 16GB of internal storage is added for the apps. In the case of ports, this TV model has three HDMI ports, two USB ports, and up to HDR10 format support. Its speakers have 20W of output and support dbx-tv audio technology. If you want to add any other audio device with the TV, for that you can use the Bluetooth connectivity.
Shinco’s this new bomb named S43UQLS is currently available to its official website and also in Amazon. The most attractive price INR 20,999 is fixed. If you are interested to buy, here is the BUY link for your quick access.
Do Check Out 👇🏼