Sony Indian launched its affordable TWS, Sony WF-C500 in January this year. It was tagged Rs.5,990 at the time of launch. Though it was an affordable wireless earphone with this branding, still out of reach for majority of the consumers who generally look for the below Rs.3,000 price segment. So, here is the good news for you.
You can order your favourite Sony WF-C500 at just Rs.2,999. All thanks to the ongoing Amazon Great Indian Festival 2022 sale. The price of this TWS reduced to Rs.4,499 and if you have any bank card, you are eligible for the additional Rs.1,500 instant discount. So the effective price of Sony WF-C500 becomes Rs.2,999 only. The offer combination brings the earphone within reach for a wider range of people and most people can able to avail this as well. So, go and grab the Super DEAL. There are four colours available – Black, White, Orange, and Green.
Sony Store:
Great Indian Festival 2022:Â
Sony WF-C500 Details
- Sound Quality – DSEE restores high frequency sounds lost in compression
- Battery Life – Up to 10hr battery life, total up to 20hr with charging case
- Ratings – Splash-proof and sweat-proof with an IPX4 rating
- Built-In Mic – Easier, clearer hands-free calling
- Comfort – Small and light for a great fit and all day wear
- Design – Ergonomic Surface Design for Secure fit
- Portable – Go anywhere with pocket-sized case
- Easy button operation – WF-C500 Earbuds not only let you play, stop or skip through tracks and adjust the volume