The Reliance Industry Limited yesterday back to back announced about another two huge investments from two giants. During this pandemic, these two are the ninth and tenth investments bagged by Jio and expecting to leave an effect on the Indian economy. The first investment among these two is from Texas Pacific Group or TPG in short followed by L Catterton’s investment.
Investment from TPG
The first investment amount comes from the Texas Pacific Group. It invests ₹4,56.80 crores to the Indian telecom service Jio. As a return, it gets a 0.93% stake share of the telecom authority.
The Jio Platform gets an equity value of 4.91 trillion and an enterprise value of ₹5.16 trillion due to this investment.
The L Catterton Investment –
Followed by the TPG investment announcement, the Reliance Industry announced the second investment, on the same day, by L Catterton. It is one of the World’s largest private equity firms. This investor pours ₹1,895 crores to Jio and takes 0.39% stake with it.
The equity value Jio gets for this transaction is of ₹4.91 lack crore and the enterprise value worth ₹5.16 lacks crore.
The investment of L Catterton is the 10th one coming within the last 8 weeks to the Jio Platform. Adding these two investments, Jio raised a fund of ₹1,04,326.95 crores in total from all the leading brands. The list includes Facebook, Silver Lake, Vista Equity, General Atlantic, KKR, Mubadala, and ADIA. Among all, Silver Lake invested twice and the largest investment is made by the social media giant Facebook.
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