At last, the trailer of Arun Vijay’s film ‘Tamil Rockerz‘ trailer hit on SonyLIV. The platform recently dives deep into digital privacy and reveals the battle against those who always release pirated versions. Arun Vijay said on Twitter, The captivating trailer of #TamilRockerz is here!! Het ready to travel with # Rudhra and watch him unravel the mysterious dark web of deceit and lies…”
The story mainly focuses on the travel of Rudra who is a police officer and battling against time, unruly fans, and definitely, such an anonymous network having cyber pirates to keep secure the most-anticipated film comes from the piracy group. On the theme of the film, Arun opened, “: Piracy has been a constant battle for the entertainment industry. In this fast-paced world that is set to feed on digital advancements with technological innovations. Piracy has taken a new form. The show unveils this fight with a lot of precious information. After watching this you also can able to deal with piracy.
Without wasting any time, netizens just reacted and also expressed their excitement There is one user who just wrote, “Thrilling master coming with one more thriller masterpiece.” while another told,” Arun Vijay’s Look and vice.,” one user also claimed, “Tamil Rockerz will definitely release this series in hd.” the other user wrote, “waiting…For Arun Vijay Sambaran,”
Tamil Rockerz: Cast
In this show, we will see Arun Vijay, Vani Bhajan, Ishwara Menon, Azhagan Perumal, Vinodhini Vaidyanathan, and M.S. Bhaskar in lead roles. The ACVM Productions said in the web show, “Tamil Rockerz” just helmed by Arivazhagan , and penned by Manoj Kumar Kalaivanan.
Tamil Rockerz: Release Date
The film will hit on SonyLIV on 19th August 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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