For contact tracing, the Indian government launched Aarogya Setu App for Androids and iOS platforms back in April. But there was no option for the feature phone users. Recently the Ministry of Electronics & IT solved this a bit. They bring a version, a few days back, for the KaiOS platform which is installed in JioPhones.
Yesterday, the government Tweeted that, within this short of the time period the app got installed by 30 million Jio Phone users, which is 3 crores. This number is quite expected as the JioPhone user count is a very big number. Rather, the government also made mandatory to install the app while traveling and also for some other cases.
The domestic flights are opened from this month. If you need to travel on flights, you have to have this app installed on your phone. The presence of this app on your phone will be a part of the verification process while entering the airport.
This is not the first time for the Aarogya Setu app to achieve milestones. From the launch date, it got 30 days to cross 50 million downloads, and in the next 28 days 100 million individual users.
At the end of May, the government releases the source code of the Aarogya Setu Android app. The code of iOS version is yet to release and now the KaiOS version is added. The government says they will release the source codes in the coming weeks.
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