OnePlus Q1 series was launched back in September and in India, its price is set at Rs.69,899(approx $1,000) for the Q1 and Rs.99,899 (approx $1,500) for the Q1 Pro, which is still a very high pricing range for a Smart TV in the market like India. For this reason, OnePlus has thought a way out to launch another smart TV but in an affordable price segment. OnePlus India twitter has tweeted a small video as well as the launch poster.
Pete Lau, founder and CEO of OnePlus, has also tweeted that OnePlus is officially going to make its premium smart TV experience more accessible to the Indian community on July 2. The slogan “Smarter TV. Smarter Price” in the poster image is also a clear indication that this smart TV experience will be premium as well as pocket friendly.
This poster also shows the top view of the television where it looks very slim and the video which was shared yesterday shows the color testing in all the televisions. If noticed closely there are three two different sizes of televisions on which the color testing or whatever technical work is being done. So from that, we can guess that there will again be two different versions of this smart TV like the previous Q1 series.
Buy from here: OnePlus Q1 (55″) and OnePlus Q1 Pro (55″)