Noise, India’s one of the leading wearable makers, to launch two new smartwatches back to back at the same time. The Noise ColorFit Pro 4 and Noise ColorFit Pro 4 Max are launching today at 12 noon sharp via multiple popular e-commerce platforms such as Flipkart and Amazon India, alongside its official website.
The ColorFit Pro 4 comes with eight colour options that include Mint Green, Deep Wine, Rose Pink, Midnight Blue, Charcoal Black, Sunset Orange, Teal Blue, and Silver Grey. The ColorFit Pro 4 Max, on the other hand, has five colour variants – Jet Black, Vintage Brown, Rose Gold, Silver Grey, and Navy Gold.
As per the company claims, both the smartwatches cost Rs.5,999. However, the Pro 4 will be available for Rs.3,499 and the Pro 4 Max you can get at Rs.3,999. Thanks to the launch special pricing.
Noise ColorFit Pro 4:
Noise ColorFit Pro 4 Max:
Noise ColorFit Pro 4 Features
I already mentioned this model has a total of eight colour variants. Besides these, Noise has also focused on the features as well. It promises to offer the most advanced Bluetooth calling experience in its segment with the built-in dialer, call rejection, and more options. To manage all these, there is a rotating crown, through which you can adjust volume, scroll the menu, change watch faces, and so on, and a 1.72-inches touch screen display. The screen is 25% bigger than the earlier model and has 311PPI resolution with 500 nits of brightness. The Noise team has implemented 60Hz refresh rate support too.
Noise ColorFit Pro 4 includes a 100 individual sports model. Some of those are cycling, walking, running, yoga, and hiking. The Noise Health Suite will also help to monitor health and activities. Some other handy features like Smart DND, Quick Reply, Stock Market updates, Alarm, etc are also included.
Noise ColorFit Pro 4 Max Features
The Max model is coming with a 1.80-inch screen which is 33% bigger than the predecessor. It will definitely help to manage all the offerings, including Bluetooth calling. To make all the tasks a bit easier, you can use Alexa voice assistant, coming built-in.
ColorFit Pro 4 Max also has a list with 100 sports modes where swimming is also present. To ensure the smartwatch’s compatibility with it, there is IP68 certification. Like the ColorFit Pro 4, it also supports Noise Health Suite.
The company has added a Noise Detection feature. Though I’m not sure what exactly this feature does or that is the purpose.
ColorFit Pro 4 Max:
ColorFit Pro 4:
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