POCO F4 5G has been launched in India. In 2018, it revealed the POCO F1, charged by the Snapdragon 845 chipset, as its first smartphone. The budget-friendly flagship phone obtained a good response from the audience and users. The reason behind it was that it provided flagship specifications at a very low price. While the company launched the POCO F2 and POCO F3 all over the world in beneficiary years, these devices were not made available in India. The POCO F4 5G, which has arrived at a charming price in India today, seems to be the divine beneficiary of the POCO F1.
POCO F4 5G: Specifications and features
It has a 6.67-inch AMOLED E4 screen with a centrally positioned punch-hole. It provides a Full HD+ resolution of 1080 x 2400 pixels, a refresh rate of up to 120Hz, a touch sampling rate of up to 360Hz, 1,300 nits of peak brightness, and a Gorilla Glass 5 shield. The display also provides support for DCI-P3 colour gamut, HDR10+, Dolby Vision, and MEMC frame rate interpolation.
It is charged by the Snapdragon 870 chipset. The SoC is abetted by up to 8GB of LPPDR5 RAM and up to 256GB of UFS 3.1 storage. It has a 4,5000mAh battery that supports 67W fast charging via a USB Type-C port.
As per the company, it can fully charge in just 38 minutes with the in-box charger. The device also supports Quick Charge 3+ and USB-PD 3.0 charging technologies. It will have Liquidcool 2.0 technology for heat bust. As per the company, it is a seven-layer 3,112mm2 vapour cubicle with graphite sheets.
Its rear-facing triple camera unit has a 64-megapixel chief camera with OIS support, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide lens with a 119-degree FOV, and a 2-megapixel macro camera, and a dual-LED flash unit. It has a 20-megapixel camera for video calls and selfies.
POCO F4 5G: Price in India
In India, this has arrived in three variants, such as 6GB RAM + 128GB storage, 8GB RAM + 128GB storage, and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage. It has arrived in three colours, such as Night Black and Nebula Green.