The boAt Xtend Sport smartwatch was released in India as the latest addition to the company’s growing line of smart wearables. The wristwatch has over 700 Active modes, encompassing sports and extracurricular activities such as jogging, swimming, art, ballet, and much more. It keeps track of your heart rate and oxygen levels in your blood. The boAt Xtend Sport Watch has a selection of watch faces and is dust and water-resistant to IP67 requirements.
The boAt Xtend Sport has a 1.69-inch LCD touch panel with one physical button on the side. It features a sleek design with sweat-resistant silicone straps. The watch’s most notable feature is its 700+ Active Modes. This includes sports like running, swimming, boxing, karate, cricket, badminton, football, table tennis, Pilates, and others.
Cooking, Skateboarding, Meditating, Playing Instruments, and Gardening are just a few of the low and moderate-intensity activities that Boat Xtend Sport claims to be able to track
The 200mAh battery in the Xtend Sport may last up to seven days on a single charge. It comes with boAt’s ASAP charge and can be fully charged in less than half an hour, according to the company. Heart rate, sleep, and SpO2 monitoring is all built into the watch and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It also meets IP67 specifications for dust and water resistance.
It can, among other things, manage the media, display phone notifications, set alarms and reminders, and control the camera. This watch stands out with its 100+ watch faces, customisable controls, live cricket scores, sedentary alerts, and other features.
The boAt Watch Xtend Sport is available in three colour options: Ashen Grey, Classic Black, and Cool Blue, and costs Rs. 2499. It will be available for purchase on Amazon and boAt-lifestyle starting today, June 17th.
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