Google has been implementing dark mode throughout the Android UI and into all of its apps as well. Both the Google App and Google Assistant still lacked dark mode support which recently has been updated.
Now both of the apps support dark theme on both Android and iOS. The change has occurred on the server-side and does not require any updates from Google Play Store or the App Store.
In addition to this, the dark theme will be synced automatically if the system theme is already set to dark mode. The dark theme looks great as it converts the white UI elements to black and dark grey ones.
There’s also the option to switch between light and dark mode from the Google App settings. This new dark theme option is already been started and soon more users can experience it in the coming week.
While this feature has been restricted to Android 10 devices, some of the Android 9 users have also reported that the Dark Mode option is also available on their devices as well.
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