Xiaomi India has collaborated with the video streaming platform YouTube in order to offer extended free trials of Premium membership for eligible users and select devices. This will be the second time that the smartphone maker is partnering with YouTube after February this year.
YouTube Premium membership is for new Xiaomi users only:
Xiaomi’s India division CMO Anuj Sharma had this to say about the brand’s partnership with YouTube, “We are happy to partner with YouTube and offer Xiaomi consumers an opportunity to watch their favorite content without any hindrance. We are hopeful that this will be the beginning of a long-standing relationship between YouTube and Xiaomi that will ultimately benefit our users.”
The video-streaming and social media platform now offers a premium subscription-based service that allows ad-free access to music and video content. The paid membership also includes offline viewing, background playback, and YouTube Music Premium with nearly 80 million songs.
Xiaomi is offering YouTube Premium for three months as a part of an extended trial subscription for the 12 Pro, 11i, the 11i HyperCharge, and the 11T Pro. In addition to this, the users of the Xiaomi Pad 5 and Redmi Note 11 Series will also get to enjoy these services. This membership is for new users only.
It will be activated on or after February 1, 2022, and eligible users will be able to redeem it from the 6th of June all the way to the 31st of January 2023.
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