Motorola India has launched its latest smartphone, the Moto E32s for a budget price of Rs.8,999. This is introductory pricing for the smartphone and is applicable to only the base version that carries 3GB+32GB storage. The brand did not specify other details about the validity period of the introductory offer, the higher-end variant comes with a 4GB RAM+64GB storage and has been priced at Rs.9,999. Let us take a look at the detailed specifications of this device.
Motorola E32s detailed specifications:
The latest offering from Moto arrives with a 6.5″ IPS LCD display and a refresh rate of 90Hz, the device is powered by MediaTek’s Helio G97 chipset which is an octa-core processor that comes with 680MHz PowerVR GE8320 GPU that has been paired with 3GB/4GB LPDDR4X RAM configurations and 32GB/64GB storage configurations.
In the optics department, the E32s arrive with a triple camera setup on the rear comprising of three 16MP sensors and the front camera is an 8MP primary sensor. In terms of features, you get Portrait mode, Panorama mode, Pro mode, and Night Vision as well. The rear sensor arrives with an LED flash with support for Full HD video recording at a 30fps frame rate.
In terms of battery life, it has a 5,000mAh battery with connectivity options such as dual-band WiFi and 2X2 MIMO for broadband along with 4G support. For biometrics, it has a side-mounted fingerprint scanner.
The phone is set to come in Slate Gray and Misty Silver colors. The new device will be available via JioMart, Reliance Digital, and Flipkart from the 6th of June.
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