Realme opens its world’s first offline flagship store in Ahmedabad. Chinese smartphone producer Realme declared on Thursday that its first global flagship store in India was officially put into test operation, and numerous pictures of the store were released. According to Realme India’s Twitter, the flagship store will officially open on the 1st of June.
It can be seen from the official images that the flagship store has multiple floors exposing a wide selection of the company’s products and contributions, including smartphones, televisions, and dolls, as well as free time areas.
Realme Flagship Store
Realme opened its first offline store in India in August 2020 and said it would open at least 300 offline stores in the future. The new store which will be opened on the 1st of June is its first offline flagship store. It will open its first offline store in Europe in Hungary on the 28th of May.
As per Canalys’ recent report, Realme’s shipments in India increased by 40% year-on-year in the first quarter, attaining 6 million units, ranking third. It is also providing assured gifts worth Rs 2,000 for the first 100 guests from June 1st to June 3rd.
Chase Xu, Vice President of Realme, said in an interview on the 26th of May that according to market changes, it will make some essential alterations in its usual direction this year, and the global sales aim will be changed by about 10-20%.
Moreover, he publicized that the company remains hopeful about the long-term development of the overall market. The chip dearth that has captivated the whole industry since last year has been diminishing this year. “From the aspect of the supply chain, there is no shortage of chips,” he added.
At the beginning of this year, it has set itself a sales goal of a year-on-year increase of 50% to 90 million units. In 2021, the company sold 60 million smartphones all over the world, also up 50% year-on-year.