In today’s world, it’s very hard to get quality service totally free of cost. But, our most lovable WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger is giving service without any cost. We even didn’t have to visit any ad. At least still now.
From the beginning of 2020, the reports of ads in WhatsApp is surfacing frequently. As per the news, the ads were going to add to the user’s conversation. Later Wall Street Journal reported WhatsApp authority canceled their plan and delete the part from App code.
The latest update says Facebook will work to link all its platforms. After linking they will use your Facebook data to serve targeted ads in WhatsApp, and these ads will be added to the WhatsApp Stories.
A Facebook spokesperson told to TechRader, “As we’ve said before, ads in Status remains a long-term opportunity for WhatsApp, and we believe it will be a great way for people to discover a business that is important to them in future. That hasn’t changed. But right now our focus is on building new features to help businesses connect with their customers and providing payments in a number of countries.”
All together, we will get ads in WhatsApp later for sure. But when is the main question.