Android Go reached more than 100 million monthly active users at present. As per Googe, Android Go is available in more than 180 countries, on more than 1,600 individual models. “Our goal for Android Go edition was to bring the best mobile computing experience to our users based on their local interests, their local context, their local needs”, Arpit Midha, Andriod Go Lead Product manager says. The largest number of requests from the Go users came for a Better Camera.
In response, Google is launching the Go edition of Google Camera app Camera Go. It’s capable of capturing beautiful Portrait mode pictures even in the lowest entry-level phones. Besides, it is integrated into the phone’s camera module and not just a photo filtering process.
It is going to come to the new Nokia 1.3 which is available to launch in 28 countries, for sure, and will be rolled out in other Go devices in the future. So, be ready with us to welcome the new Go member in the Android Go family.
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