Darshan Yewalekar, who has worked with stars like Ranveer Singh and Salman Khan, shares some hair care tips on World Health Day
On World Health Day, celebrity hair designer Darshan Yewalekar, wants to remind everyone that with a little bit of care and adequate nourishment, the dream of healthy, happy, shining hair can become a reality.
He says, “I always tell clients that instead of trying to look like celebrities who have an entourage to take care of them, it is more important to look your best and lavish a lot of self love upon yourself. When you eat well, you feel well and your hair and your skin begin to reflect your inner health.”
“Focus on your health for a healthier, happier mane”, says celebrity stylist On World Health Day
Here are some of his tips to improve hair health:
Eat right for a healthy mane
If you have scanty hair, check with a dermatologist to find the cause. Nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, thyroid disease, autoimmune diseases, anemia etc can be addressed with the help of medical guidance. A balanced, vitamin rich diet can bridge nutrition gaps and you can soon have healthier hair. Any neglect you put your body through shows up on your hair so take good care of your health.
Pay attention to grooming
Not going for regular hair cuts and not trimming split ends can lead to unkempt, straggly hair so pay attention to your grooming and make sure you mark regular visits to your stylist on your calendar. Neglected split ends lead to breakage and hair loss. Make sure you use wide toothed combs, protect your hair from harsh sunlight with scarves, visors, caps or umbrellas and always wash the sweat and grime after a hectic day with a mild shampoo that is free of parabens and chemicals. Do not take excessively hot showers and dry your hair naturally and gently.
Draw from traditional wisdom
Many celebrities take cues from beauty secrets handed down to them from their mothers and grandmothers and follow tried and trusted hair care rituals. These could include weekly oil massages, hair masks made from neem or curry leaves, avocado, curd, bananas, an oil of choice, fenugreek seeds, honey, gooseberry, soapberry, shikakai or eggs. So find out which combination suits your hair and start whipping a hair mask every week to put the gleam and bounce back in your hair.
Use the right products
Depending on your hair volume and texture, choose shampoos and conditioners that do not strip your locks of their natural beauty. Consult your stylist for the best products to wash and condition your hair and use them judiciously. Excessive use of products leaves a residual buildup behind, inhibits hair growth and dulls hair shine.
Manage your stress
Stress is another factor that can impact hair growth so learn to manage it with meditation, exercise and breathing exercises. The happier you are, the better your overall health will be. The benefits of regular exercise cannot be overemphasized as it improves blood circulation, elevates your mood, boosts energy and promotes better sleep. All of these factors then add to your hair health.
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