Having been beaten out by Telegram in a lot of aspects, WhatsApp is finally making sure it adopts the changes people want from a messaging platform. So, as per the reliable, WABetaInfo, Facebook aka Meta owned WhatsApp is now testing out a higher 2GB file transfer limit between users.
The instant messaging platform has limited share files to 100MB since 2017 within conversations and that has not increased till now. However, its biggest competitor Telegram, which has a cloud-based approach lets you have no such 100MB limits as WhatsApp and is a great alternative.
In 2022, things finally seem to be positive for WhatsApp fans because according to iOS screenshots shared by WABetaInfo, there’s a new 2GB file size limit for some users in Argentina over the last few days. However, we cannot confirm by this if WhatsApp is actually planning to begin a wider rollout of this feature or is just being tested locally as of now.
Still, if the File Size Transfer Limit is upgraded to 2GB then surely that would help to transfer large videos or files via WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption.
via MacRumors