WhatsApp appears to be taking a page out of Telegram’s playbook as the company is planning to bring an important new feature that will let users start and take polls in group chats.
As per WABetaInfo report, the messaging-based platform will soon let you type poll questions to send to a group chat similar to the feature in Telegram and Twitter as well. This feature is reportedly in development.
The report shared a screenshot that showcases the ‘Create Poll’ feature on iOS. This was spotted on the app v2.22.6.70 beta and is currently not available to all beta testers.
You can see the create a poll option in the screenshot but is not yet clear how users will be able to write a question for the poll or even any means via which it can be customized.
In addition to this, it could even offer group members a chance to select more than one answer on the poll. But till WhatsApp rolls this feature out to beta testers in a more elaborate way, we cannot really tell anything.
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