At last t6he first trailer of Amitabh Bachchan featuring film ‘Jhund’ has been dropped. This time it has promised to be a fantastic sports drama that reveals the human spirit of getting over such obstacles. This film reveals the story of a football coach who is showing his efforts and trying his best to get slum kids for playing football. This movie has been helmed by an acclaimed Marathi filmmaker Nagraj Manjule who serves many great films like Fandry and Sairat.
Jhund: Plot
The story of the film is based on the life of the social worker Vijay Barse who inspires slum kids to form a football team. In this film, Big B is playing the role. It reveals an intriguing peek into the world of Jhund. It depicts a man named Vijay(Amitabh Bachchan)who has established NGO named Slum Soccers. Vijay is a professor who has taken it on himself to give better lives to street children by providing them and also concentrating on the purpose. He brings them together and also motivates them to concentrate on the purpose that is to play football as a team or in hind as a ‘Jhund’.
Jhund: Trailer Details
The trailer is three minutes long. In this trailer, we have seen Vijay means Amitabh Bachchan trying to get the teens out from the life of crime and change their life as his entry to the slum ending up with him to be offered ganja(marihuana) on the opposite as a footballer. The trailer continues how Vijay manages to unite the entire gang of the rowdy, criminally-inclined teenagers who bring as a team and transform their entire lives.
Amitabh Bachchan also share the poster and said, “ Aayi yeh toil hai, haath milake ek hi cheez boli hai. Aaj aayega trailer , bas rehan taiyaar aap!”
Jhund: Production Status
This film has faced a lot of delays over the last three years. the first look of the film was dropped two years ago and the first teaser just only two weeks ago. This film at first slated to release in September 2019. After that, it has been postponed with many rumors.
In an interview, Nagraj had said, “ It has been made and delayed for so long. I myself want that it’s released in theatres. I have been trying and struggling for that a lot. The entire team has come together to support me in that and we all now will try to get it released In theaters own the time is right,”
This film was produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Savita Raj Hiremath, Raaj Hiremath, Nagraj Popatrao Manjule, Ganges Kulkarni, Meenu Atoaa, and Sandeep Singh under the banner of T-Series, Tandav Films Entertainment, and Aatpat.
Jhund: Cast
This film features Amitabh Bachchan as Vijay, Sairat as Akash Thosar, and Rajguru in the lead role. This film has been marked as the second collaboration of Manjule with Sairat. The music of the film has been composed by Ajay-Atul that is already hit with the audience.
Jhund: Release Date
This film will release on 4th March 2022 in theatres.
Here is the trailer
A big thanks for source1 & source2.
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