The BCCI had confirmed the names of 590 players who will be going under the hammer on 12th and 13th February for the 2022 IPL Mega Auction. Hugh Edmeades had taken over Richard Madly in 2019 and will continue to host the event in Bengaluru.
BCCI treasurer Arun Dhum has confirmed that Hugh Emeades is all set to be the IPL auctioneer once again in 2022. Hugh Edmeades will be back as the auctioneer. He did a good job last time and will do it again,” Dhumal told a website.
Edmeades has played a fantastic role in the last three auctions and is preparing himself for the mega auction. Further, he added, “I haven’t taken many auctions that last as long as the IPL ones. It is amazing how the adrenaline kicks in and sees me through to the end. With the 2022 auction being a two-day affair, no doubt I will have a good sleep on my flight back to London on the 14th of February. I am looking forward to welcoming the Lucknow and Ahmedabad bidders in Bengaluru. My life is made a lot easier by the fact that the bidders know exactly what they are doing and make their bids very clear to me,” Edmeades further added.”
The IPL Mega Auction will take place on 12th and 13th February in Bangalore. It’s going to be held her full bio-safety and the staff of Bengaluru have already started making preparations for the mega event. The tournament is going to commence from 27th March and can continue till the first week of May 2022.
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