It is reported that the superstar of Bollywood Salman Khan has currently opened up about Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2 at the event. This latest announcement left the entire fans very excited. The director Kabir Khan who already has been helmed by Bajrangi Bhaijaan, also tells that when the announcement has been done, there is no idea and also no script. Kabir told, “ That announcement is something that Salman did. Neither the script is written nor has the idea been formed really. There is literally nothing right now we can talk about.”
Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2: Announcements
At the RRR event in Mumbai, Salman Khan made big announcements on the cards. At the event, the Bhai of Bollywood also made the revelation of Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2. When talking about the contribution of the father of SS Rajamouli, K.V Vijayendra Prasad as he is the writer of Bajrangi Bhaijaan.
During the prerelease event, which has already been hosted by the filmmaker Karan Johar, the superstar said he has a very strong connection with SS Rajamouli, as Bajrangi Bhaijaan has been written by his father. On this topic, Salman says, “ I have a strong relationship with Rajamouli and his father, as he wrote Bajrangi Bhaijaan and soon we will be working together again for Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2.”
In the event, Salman Khan showed the amazements at Jr NTR’s fan following. At that event, Salman Khan praises the actor Ram Charan. He has been stating that b he knows for a long time, the actor just has been called him as a ‘most hardworking man. He also said, that every time when he meets with Ram Charan just injured due to the efforts that he has put into the project.
While Karan Johar asked him that if he was confirmed that a sequel of Bajrangi Bhaijaan was in the works, then the 55-year-old actor said, ” Yes, but now the focus should be on RRR.”