Intel has announced that its higher-end mobile 10th-Gen Core ‘Comet Lake’ processors will be phased out. The CPUs will be available for order until 2022, but Intel is abandoning its 14nm fabrication technology for some higher-end chips. Because Intel now has two families of 10nm processors on the market, this makes sense.
Intel had to address performance-demanding users with products made using its 14nm technology after its 10nm CPUs were delayed, and it introduced Coffee Lake CPUs with up to eight cores. Comet Lake processors with up to 10 cores and Ice Lake processors with up to eight cores were also available.
These CPUs did their job, but because Intel’s 14nm node was never intended for 10-core processors, they have a large die size and are less efficient (both in terms of power consumption and financials) than Intel’s most recent products.
Intel benefits from discontinuing outdated high-end processors in several ways. First and foremost, it frees up manufacturing capacity for other products. Second, Intel will be able to produce lower-end obsolete parts more easily, which will simplify PC makers’ choices and make it easier to obtain additional components.
Customers who require Intel’s Core i5-10200H, i5-10300H, i5-10500H, i7-10750H, i7-10870H, and i9-10980HK processors must place their final orders by April 1, 2022. By September 30, 2022, the final chips will be delivered.
Only until July 1, 2022, can you order the Core i5-10400H, i7-10850H, i7-10875H, i9-10885H, Xeon W-10855M, and Xeon W-10885M, which will ship on January 27, 2023.
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