Just a week ago, Noise launched the X-Fit 1 smartwatch in collaboration with HRX and before the Christmas and New Year celebrations, it teases another smartwatch. The upcoming one is the successor of the existing ColorFit Ultra that launched in July this year. It is called Noise ColorFit Ultra 2. Noise reveals nothing except the name and a screen. It has a square display, similar to its predecessor.
Noise lists the banner on Amazon India only. So, it’s confirmed the ColorFit Ultra 2 will be available via this platform. The banner is still not visible on Noise’s official website. To get the details like price, launch date, and specs, we need to wait. Keep your eyes on TechnoSports for future updates. For now, you can set a launch reminder. The page link is given below.
Link: https://amzn.to/3Iy7Rz8
Noise X-Fit 1: https://amzn.to/3IvZAM9
Other Noise Smartwatches: https://amzn.to/3DESn8R
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