At last the trailer of Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan’s upcoming film ‘Atrangi Re’ has been released. The makers have already unveiled the first look of the posters of the Atrangi Re film. It is a romantic love drama film.
It is impossible where comedy king Akshay Kumar is present, their comedy is absent. This film is a complete package of comedy, emotions, and drama. In this film, we will also see Dhanush who has played a lead role.
The main attraction of the Atrangi Re film is the spicy chemistry of Sara and Dhanush, and it is also the main highlight of the film. In every film, the entry of Akshay Kumar is really very special, and this time there is no exception as Akki will enter on the Elephant.
Sara Ali Khan will play the role of a girl who is pursuing the two love interest at the same time. Sara Ali Khan has shared the trailer on her Instagram account. After sharing the trailer she wrote,” Atrangi Re trailer out now Can’t wait to share these magical moments with all of you. Here is presenting my Rinku to all of my Drashaks.”
Atrangi Re: Trailer explained
The trailer of Atrangi Re has started with the introduction of Vishnu, whose family has forcefully married him to a feisty young woman named Rinku. After the marriage, both Rinku and Vishnu have understood that they are not happy with each other and take the decision to part ways after coming to Delhi. Things become change after Vishnu falls in love with Rinku, and she also becomes close to him.
The twist has come after Akshay Kumar has an entry into their life. Rinku has a past story with Sajad that has been played by Akshay Kumar. They are past lovers. There are also been in a relationship for a long time. Now, Rinku falls in love with both Sajad and Vishnu at the am e time. Sajad who has understood the present situation of Rinku, at the ending of the trailer it has seen that Vishnu is just breaking down in tears. In the end, Rinku tells Vishnu that, “Blunder ho gya humse”.
Atrangi Re: cast
Atrangi Re is featuring Akshay Kumar, Dhanush, and Sara Ali Khan in the lead roles. This film is produced by Bhusan Kumar’s T-Series and directed by Aanand L Rai.
In a current interaction with the leading daily, the director of the film Aanand L Rai revealed he’s working with the ‘Love Aj Kaal” actress. He also said that he just wanted a girl who all things out of real life, too, and someone who is able to cover her nervousness with her confidence. After that, the name of the girl that comes to his mind is Sara. He has praised her as the lead actress and also called her one of the finest among the new generation actors.
He also said that she is just the cracker in the film and he has always wanted that kind of energy for this character of Rinku. The director also confessed that his films are more than the love triangle. Now we have to wait to see actually what will happen at the ending of the film.
The makers have not yet revealed the release date of this film but it seems that this film will be very interesting and definitely a funny movie and all the audience will enjoy this film. It is expected it will get a huge response among the viewers.
Here is the trailer: