At its launch event on Tuesday in China Xiaomi introduced a lot of things that cannot be covered in a day. The star of the show obviously was the Mi Mix Alpha 5G with its stunning 180% screen ratio which extends beyond the edge to the rear panel.
Also, its Mi 9 Pro 5G is the cheapest 5G smartphone in the market, along with that Xiaomi also introduced the new Mi Power Bank 3 which comes with 50W fast charge support.
As the name suggests, the new power bank is very similar to the original Mi Power Bank 3 but this one’s main advantage is the inclusion of 50W fast charge support. It comes in the same matte black finish and features a cylindrical design which synonymous to Mi Power Banks of the past.
The power bank packs in a huge 20000mAh capacity battery and supports Xiaomi’s super flash charging. The new version comes with a bulkier build with dimensions of 153.5×73.5×27.5mm.
The new power bank is compatible with almost all kinds of smartphones and electronic devices and can charge three devices simultaneously. For the ports, we have two USB-A ports and a USB-C port and there is a separate USB-C port for refuelling the power bank.
No official numbers about the charging speed have been revealed by the company, neither anything has been revealed about its availability. What Xiaomi did mention is its price tag, it will cost you 299 yuan ($42) or around Rs.3,000.
Talking about Xiaomi’s latest 30W Mi Charge Turbo wireless charging stand, it has an ergonomic vertical tilt design framework that allows aligning your phone comfortably, while keeping the display upright. It has the fast 30W charge support but Xiaomi has not revealed any numbers regarding the charging just like its new power bank.
The new wireless charging stand meets the Qi charging standard and comes with a built-in fan to keep it cool internally. Also, it features a new air duct design for faster and safer heat dissipation. Xiaomi has priced the 30W Mi Charge Turbo wireless charging stand for 199 yuan or around Rs.2,000 which seems cheap considering the features.
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