The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, unveiled his company’s new name and logo on Thursday. It is called Meta, and the name comes from the Greek word meaning “beyond”. The logo of this company was a thumb symbol, or you can say “Like”. Post the rebranding; it gets a blue Infinity symbol.
Now, will the logo of my Facebook app also be changed to the new Infinity? It’s the first, and probably the only question common people will try to figure out. So, here is the answer.
You might know the social medias – Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp all come under the same company named Facebook. It means Facebook is the parent company of all the social media I mentioned. First, we need to understand that the parent company is rebranded, not the other companies coming under it.
In simple words, the Facebook social media we are using comes under Meta, and it’s the same for other platforms like Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram as well. The rebranding of the parent company will not reflect on the individual platforms.
To conclude, the logo of the Facebook application installed on your device will remain the same and the name also. The change you may notice is a note “from Meta” instead of “from Facebook” at the time of launching all the platform applications.
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