The Indian budget audio king, boAt, has been focusing on the smartwatch market for the past few times. It is expanding the smartwatch portfolio day by day. Before the Amazon Great Indian Festival sale, it listed boAt Watch Zenit on the same platform; even the entire page was live. However, only the exact launch date, along with the pricing, was left to come out. But, something unexpected happened, till now, there is no trace of it. Instead of proceeding with the Watch Zenit, the company announces another smartwatch, boAt Watch Vertex.
This new watch is coming via Flipkart and boAt’s official website on 28th October at 12 noon. The pricing will start at INR 2,499 and has four strap colour options – Black, Blue, Red, and Grey. Apart from that, there will be three screen size options as well – 1.69 inches, 2.69 inches, and 3.69 inches.
The boAt Watch Vertex has a square dial where an HD touch screen display is integrated. The screen sizes I already mentioned, but other than the 1.69-inch size, others are not mentioned on boAt’s official website. So, not sure the bigger sizes will be available or not. You can set any of the 100+ watched faces that suit your dress-up, mood, or personality.
To make the watch your fitness partner, boAt added activity tracking sensors to count your every step, monitor your sleep, blood oxygen level, heart rate, and more. There are multiple sports modes, including walking, running, cycling, skipping, tracking, badminton, basketball, and football. With the help of the boAt Crest app, you as a user can get a custom activity plan to reach out to your fitness goal, fitness journey sharing facility, and so on.
Among the other features, there are music and camera control, notification alerts, IP67 rating, guided breathing, and lastly, up to 10 days long battery life.