Halo Infinite is scheduled to launch on 8th December 2021 across multiple platforms, including PC. At the launch time, there will be no Ray Tracing support for the PC version. However, the developer of this game, 343 Industries, confirms this feature is a top priority, and the team will work closely with AMD to add it post-launch.
The developer team of Halo Infinite, 343 Industries, announced that AMD is their partner for this game’s PC version. Because of the partnership, optimizing the game for a wide range of hardware, from high-end PCs to much old hardware, become possible. 343 wrote in a blog post, “we’ve identified opportunities for additional configuration options, performance tweaks, and memory improvements across both PC as well as console and we’re working together on more optimization solutions that should benefit all platforms.”
Regarding the Ray Tracing, 343 wrote, “We’re looking forward to working closely with AMD to bring ray tracing to Halo Infinite,”. “Ray tracing is one our top development priorities post-launch and [we] look forward to sharing more soon.” – added further.