Vivo, earlier this year, launched the V21 series in India. The company launched the V21e alongside the V21 5G in India. Among the two, the V21 was the more premium device offering from Vivo as a smartphone under Rs 30,000 in India. The USP of the device is its slim design with a thickness of 7.29mm. Vivo launched the V21 5G in India in three colours – Sunset Dazzle, Arctic White, and Dusk Blue. It looks like the company is gearing up to introduce another colour option of the V21 in India. A report released last week claimed that the Vivo V21 5G would soon be available in neon color in India.
Vivo announced that the new color version will be called Neon Spark and will be launched on October 13. The following tweet teases the appearance of the Vivo V21 5G Neon Spark. The new shade will be sold together with other V21 5G color options, such as Dusk blue, Sunset Dazzle and Arctic White. It seems that in addition to the attractive bright yellow color, the version of Neon Spark will not differ from what there are options.
Vivo V21 5G specifications
The Vivo V21 5G is a powerful mid-range device with features like a 44MP selfie camera with OIS that can record native 4K videos at 30fps. The phone also includes other photography features like a super night selfie, Al extreme night, eye autofocus, and beauty mode. At the rear, the Vivo V21 5G sports a 64MP triple camera system, and the main lens is assisted by an 8MP wide-angle sensor and a 2MP macro sensor.
Upfront, the handset has a 6.44-inch AMOLED display with FHD+ resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate. The phone also supports an in-display fingerprint sensor for security and runs the MediaTek Dimensity 800U 5G chipset. There is a 4,000 mAh battery unit that comes with 33W fast charging support.
Currently, V21 5G versions with 8 GB of RAM + 128 GB and 8 GB of RAM + 256 GB are available at Rs 29,990 (~ $ 399) and Rs 32,990 (~ $ 439) respectively.