Realme is all set to launch another mid-range smartphone in India. The company recently launched the budget Realme Nazro 50A smartphone in the country and it’s now gearing up for another launch. The company has confirmed that it will launch the Realme Neo GT2 smartphone in the country in October. Along with this Realme can also launch some gaming accessories with phones as per news coming from tipster TechnoAnkit1.
Realme can launch accessories like Cooling Black Clip Neo, Gaming Shoulder Button, Type C Charging Gaming Data Cable, and Realme Buds Air 2 Black Mint. So let’s have a look at all the Leaked details.
Realme Cooling Black Clip launched earlier this year and now it’s Neo version can come soon at a price of Â¥99(₹1120). Cooling Black Clip Neo can come with dual cooling Technology. Realme Cooling Back Clip Neo can be a small fan that is designed to eliminate the heating problem in the smartphone. It is specially designed for the devices keeping in mind those people whose phones heat up during use. In such a situation, it gives a quick cooling effect and reduces the temperature of the phone.
The next one is Realme Gaming Shoulder Button which will provide a smooth and easy experience during gaming. It can also come at a price of Â¥99(₹1120). Realme can also launch a Type-C Flash Charging Gaming Data Cable which will support the Realme’s 65W Superdart Flash Charger. The Type-C Flash Charging Gaming Data Cable can come at Â¥49(₹550).
And the last one is Realme Buds Air 2 Black Mint that come along with Realme GT Neo 2. Realme Buds Air 2 was launched along with the Narzo 30 series in India some months ago and now Buds Air 2 Black Mint may come simliar specs of Buds Air 2. The price and specs are still unknown, we have to wait till the company confirm it.