We will soon have a new Halo game coming out and it’s nice for sure to be excited about Halo once again. The most exciting part about Halo is using gravity as a tool to be harnessed, but it’s never mastered. No matter your intentions, your warthog will inevitably flip, a grenade will bounce to impossible heights to kill you, and then you will find that there will be a bug that will cause some pretty unusual things to happen.
Magical bugs have already started rolling in from the latest Halo Infinite technical test running this weekend. Many strange things are happening with the game, after electrifying a wet floor sign it will produce more signs, and this seems like a slippery slope, which explains the signs.
Many gamers have asked these questions to 343 but the developers are silent on this matter. In the meantime, few of the Redditors have clipped their wet floor disasters and they all involve tossing one of Infinite’s new electric grenades at the sign. By doing so, it does behave differently than every other throwable in the game, and stays active for several seconds, decaying the shields of any player standing near it.
There is also another bug in the game, and it’s really funny, and it’s a recently-discovered exploit that lets players rapidly spam melee attacks. The funniest thing noticed here is when the CraftZ49 unleashed this flurry of blows on a bot who is shaking its head left and right as if it knew what was coming.
Halo franchise though infested with bugs is pretty fun to play with and is simply amazing. The bugs can sometimes be time-consuming and troubling however at the end of the day they are what makes Halo an awesome game. So have fun playing them.