Noise, India’s frontline wearable maker, is bringing something special, aiming Flipkart’s Big Billion Days sale. We all know this brand is a specialist in budget smartwatch making. It already holds a comprehensive portfolio and expanding the list with the ColorFit Brio. This new smartwatch is coming in three colour options – Black, Grey, and Pink. The first sale is scheduled for 27th September at 12 noon and costs Rs.2,999 only.
The Noise ColorFit Brio features a 1.52″ TrueView IPS LCD having a resolution of 360×400 pixels. The screen is touch-enabled, which is obvious, and you can change the style daily using the cloud-based 100+ watch face pack. It is IP68 certified, so be worry-free at the time of playing with water.
As your true health partner, this wearable watch can monitor your blood oxygen saturation level along with sleep, stress, and heartrate too for 24×7. It packs a total of 50 individual sports modes. That means it doesn’t matter which sport you are interested in; the ColorFit Brio can stay with you on your wrist.
Noise enables some other features like Smart DND, quick reply, calendar, alarm, and more within the watch. Needless to say, these small features can be advantageous sometimes.
You can enjoy all the features for up to 5 days with heavy usage. This duration can be extended for up to 5 days more as per the company claim.
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