ASUS earlier this year unveiled the ROG phone 5 with a Snapdragon 888 chipset, it was presumed that there would be no more flagship launches from the company for the rest of the year. This was much before Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 888+, now ASUS is set to release the upgraded version of the ROG phone 5, the ROG phone 5s.
According to the specs of the device, ASUS will launch the ROG phone 5s in two storage variants, a 256GB one and a 512GB. Both the devices will have varying RAM, the base variant will ship with 16GB LPDDR5 RAM, whereas the top-tier variant will have 18GB of memory, the highest in a smartphone till now.
The highlight of the ROG 5s will be the Snapdragon 888+ chipset. Asus is looking to target the customers who pride themselves on possessing the latest tech with this device. The ROG Phone 5s will have a 144Hz OLED screen, but there is no mention of the display size.
Asus could quite possibly stick to the same size as it did with the ROG Phone 5 to save itself from the time and expense of having to design an entirely new screen from scratch.
The upcoming gaming smartphone will most likely feature a beastly 6,000mAh battery with support for 65W fast charging support, similar to the ROG Phone 5. According to tipster Chun, the ROG Phone 5s will launch on August 16th, the only difference appears to be the chipset.
It is most likely to retain all the other hardware specs of the ROG Phone 5 itself. We will have to wait for an official statement from ASUS to get detailed specs of the device.
Source: Chun
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