Earlier today, Motorola teased the Edge S Pro smartphone in China. The teaser showcases the smartphone from the rear and teases its upcoming launch that is scheduled for August 5th.
Recently, the American smartphone maker had unveiled three new handsets, including the Edge 20 Pro, Edge 20, and Edge 20 Lite in the global market. Now, the series is arriving in China, with the Chinese version being dubbed as the ‘Edge S Pro’.
Notably, the previously launched higher model models featured a 50x periscopic telephoto lens, which can also be observed in the recent teaser image poster.
While Motorola is yet to unveil any further details regarding these devices, we have the global variant for reference purposes. In other words, the Edge S Pro may feature a Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 chipset that will be paired along with a 108MP primary image sensor on the rear along with a 50x superzoom magnification as well.
It also has an OLED display panel that supports a 144Hz high refresh rate. This is all we know about the device at this moment, we will keep you posted as more details about the device emerge!
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