The release of Halo Infinite is getting closer eventually, increasing the probability that it will put the ground on fire. Various streamers, including Dealer and Colt Eastwood, are getting ready for the showdown.
Well, even if you can’t be a HALO insider, you won’t fall short of any Halo Infinite action, as it is most anticipated that there won’t be any restrictions on sharing videos of the beta. For those who are unaware, Halo Infinite multiplayer will be free. Here goes an overview of a few features that you can expect –
TOOLS – Besides returning favorites and engrossing weapons, Halo Infinite’s sandbox is assisted by the addition of Halo 3-esque equipment, while the aptly named Repulsor can be used to deflect projectiles.
VEHICLES – Vehicles have always been an integral part of Halo’s sandbox along with a variety of UNSC classics, adding in the infinite with burnished inspired favorites.
ARENA – Halo’s Arena continues to be defined by fair starts and teams working closely to control key areas of a map while utilizing the sandbox most poignantly. Players will work together to acquire newly spawned weapons.
BIG TEAM BATTLE – BTB is the essence of the Halo enhancing Pelicans plunging in to deploy vehicles, weapon ordnance dropping from the sky, and tactical updates from Commander Laurette. Big Team Battle is the strident experience that cranks everything up to 11.
After all of these, players will witness limited-time seasonal events. Console and PC players will play together via crossplay. Halo Infinite will also support split-screen on Xbox and LAN via a PC local server with enhanced user experience boosting the hype even more.