Xiaomi is going to launch the CC series on 2nd July.


What is CC? Here it is discussed in detail.

Xiaomi acquired the smartphone company Meitu last year and we were expecting the first product of that collaboration to be called Xiaomi CC9 and a lighter Xiaomi CC9e. The company promised us an announcement today, and it happened, but it turned out it involved no actual phones.

Xiaomi Mi CC9 and Mi CC9e Mid Level Smartphones Became Known 2 Xiaomi is going to launch the CC series on 2nd July.

Lei Jun, Xiaomi CEO, introduced the CC series, explaining the meaning behind the name. It means Colorful & Creative, and is developed by the Chic & Cool 90 team.

There were no phones in the announcement and we are still waiting for an official date of the flip-camera CC9.

gsmarena 000 Xiaomi is going to launch the CC series on 2nd July.

The number in the CC9 moniker stands for the age of the company – 9 years. This is not the first time a smartphone by Xiaomi has changed its name to celebrate a birthday – the Mi 7 was skipped and the company jumped straight to Xiaomi Mi 8 flagship last year.

The Xiaomi CC smartphones will be the third brand by the company following the Redmi and Mi phones. This will be a different series, designed by art students and targeted at young fashion trendsetters that “want to define themselves”. The Chic & Cool 90 team pursuit aesthetics first, which could mean the phone is likely to have less than impressive specs.

D JGQHgUEAA 00S Xiaomi is going to launch the CC series on 2nd July.

Lei Jun also added that young people have the desire to be seen and heard, they love to take photos and share their beauty with everyone. The new phone will have a new aesthetics concept of “Xiaomi X Meitu AI Aesthetics Lab”, combining advanced camera hardware and beauty technology.

This is likely a different way to say Xiaomi is going to implement even more beauty filters and AI engines to enhance the photos since those are very trendy China, but time will tell.

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