Google Meet has been the centre of attraction by the Silicon Valley giant for quite some time now, but their Duo video calling app didn’t receive any significant update anytime soon. So, Google Duo will receive a UI update with a major home screen redesign that adds a “New Call” button that aims to simplify the app.
The button here could serve as a starting point for key actions in Duo, like starting calls to other users or turn your Assistant “Home” device — and groups. Another good thing is that you will be able to see (as well as invite) contacts and create groups.
Your frequent contacts will surface below the search dial and let you quickly call or video call someone. It seems with the “New Call” button implementation, the home screen will be much shorter than the current one.
The update has already been pushed to some users and the new UI is already appearing to some. The UI seems very straightforward with a new blue “New Call” FAB appearing at the bottom-right corner while the top search field looks for contacts and dial. The rest of the page is a grid of circular contacts looking similar to Google’s new Material You design seen on Android 12.
via 9to5Google