Recently there have been rumours floating around regarding Apple’s next custom silicon for its Mac lineup, stating whether the new chip will be called the M1X or M2. However, one tipster has stated that Apple is working on two of them, and it’s expected that the company’s M2 chip is expected to be found in the upcoming 2022 MacBook Air.
According to the latest information provided by the tweeter user @dylandkt, Apple’s MacBook Pro and Mac mini would arrive in the fourth quarter of 2021. And according to him, the chipset that will power this device will be the M1X.
So far, rumours suggest that the M1X will sport 10 cores, and eight of them will be focused on performance, and the remaining two will be directed towards power efficiency. And when it comes to the M2 chipset, it’s rumoured to be an improved version of the M1.
According to previously leaked reports, the M2 will feature eight processor cores and have nine or ten graphics cores compared with seven or eight on the M1 MacBook Air. It also speculated that Apple might allow its processor cores to run faster in the new chipset, so it means that M2 might run at a higher frequency than its M1 chipset.
Recent rumours also suggest that the 2022 MacBook Air is expected to be released in the first half of next year and will arrive in different colours. It’s also rumoured that the new version will also be sporting a lighter chassis, a MagSafe charging port, and a couple of USB 4 ports. These new MacBook Pro models will also be sporting mini-LED screens, and the same display technology can be expected on the 2022 MacBook Air.
However, all this information is still rumours and speculations, and nothing is confirmed at this point. But one thing is for sure is that the successor of M1 will set the CPU stage on fire.