Vivo Y72 5G will launch soon in India. The date has been tipped by 91mobiles. The launch is expected on 15th July in India. This phone was launched in Thailand back in March and now the company is willing to launch it in India. It is still unclear whether the company will launch it silently or will hold an event for it. The recent image has been shared by tipster Yogesh to 91mobiles. The poster reveals the first look of the smartphone along with several bank offers.
Bank offers and more
The Vivo Y72 5G will come with a flat Rs 1,500 cashback through HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Kotak. You will also get a one-time screen replacement and Jio benefits worth Rs 10,000 on purchasing the phone. As for the Vivo Y72 5G price in India, 91mobile reveals that the phone will fall under Rs 20,000.
Vivo Y72 5G specifications
The global version of Vivo Y72 5G features a 6.58-inch FHD+ display with a resolution of 2480x 1080 pixels, it also has MediaTek Dimensity 700 chipset, SA/NSA 5G connectivity, It is included with 8GB RAM, 128GB storage, also with storage of Wi-Fi 5GHz, and Bluetooth 5.1.
We already have seen that this device has a 64MP main sensor on its backside. It also has confirmed that the other two sensors have an 8MP ultra-wide and also a 2MP macro sensor system in them. In the upfront section, it has a 16MP f/2.0 selfie shooter.
This new upcoming Vivo model is expected to have a 5000mAh battery with an 18W fast charging support facility and also run with Funtouch OS 11.1 based on Android 11.
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