Nikon launched its latest DX mirrorless camera, styled in an iconic 1980’s style. The Z FC has a chassis that is largely paid up of plastic; however, the camera still boasts the wonderful leather frontage and multiple top-facing dials. The dials allow for fine control over ISO (100-51200) along with shutter speed (up to 4000), and also the device comes with an exposure program, aperture priority, shutter priority, or manual.
The above-mentioned retro features add a special trait to the camera, but the Z FC still comes with an up-to-date 20.9 MP DX-cropped CMOS sensor powered by Nikon’s EXPEED 6 image processor. The photography device will also support up to 4K/30fps recording with 209-point auto-focus (AF) of numerous modes (PDAF, central, tracking, and continuous included).
For charging, the company has offered a powerful USB Type-C port for charging along with a 3.2 Gen 1-standard data transfer and also a mini-HDMI port. The new mirrorless camera also comes with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, which has some additional sharing options and has a flip-out along with a 360°-spinning LCD touchscreen. The Z FC also has a 2,360,000-dot OLED electronic viewfinder, and the device has compatibility with modern Z mount lenses.
According to official sources, the company will be releasing the Z FC in black or silver starting from late Jul 2021 for US$960, and this price will be for the camera body alone. The device will also be bundled with the NIKKOR Z DX 16-50mm f/3.5-6.3 VR lens for $1100 or the NIKKOR Z 28mm f/2.8 (SE) special edition lens $1200.