A few months ago, Redmi had launched its Redmi Note 10 series in India with a minimalistic pricing segment and decent specifications. Among the smartphones of this series, the Redmi Note 10 is the most affordable one, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look like that it will say as the most affordable. Because, it is now only three and a half months after its very first sale, and guess what, the most affordable one currently received its third price hike.
Now, let’s compare the original price of the Redmi Note 10 with the hiked prices. At the time of its debut, the device carries a price tag of ₹11,999 for its 4GB/64GB option and ₹13,999 for its 6GB/128GB option. Now, the rule is that with every price hike, the main price will get increased by Rs. 500.
So, after the first price hike, the pricing was ₹12,499 and ₹14,499 respectively for 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB options. It was the report of last April. Now, last Wednesday, the device got its second price hike by Rs. 500 and made the pricing ₹14,999 of its 6GB/128GB option. The second price hike was only for its 6GB/128GB option.
Now, coming to the latest report, the Redmi Note 10 smartphone got its third price hike today, just a few days later of its second hike. The pricing of the 4GB/64GB model has been increased by Rs. 500, so it now costs ₹12,999. So, within a few months, the pricing has been increased by ₹1,000 which is something not expected from a well-crafted smartphone manufacturer. Now, let’s hope for a price cut-down in the future from Redmi.
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