There is a new rumor in town, and this time it’s circled the much-anticipated successor of the Snapdragon 888. The processor dubbed the Snapdragon 895 has its speculations released online just a while back which showed us what to expect from the upcoming SoC. However, another rumor now states that the chipset has already entered into testing phase and it means that Qualcomm will likely announce the Snapdragon 895 in time while prepping shipments for its multiple smartphone partners.
According to sources, the Snapdragon 895, or simply the SM8450, is being tested by Qualcomm’s Chinese smartphone partners. The SoC will be slightly faster than the Snapdragon 888, but we still have to wait for the real-time results to arrive.
From what we know so far, the Snapdragon 895 will support the new ArmV9 architecture, along with sporting Qualcomm’s latest and greatest Snapdragon X65 5G modem. The rumor mill also suggests that the baseband chip is said to be integrated, so there will be improved power efficiency from the SoC as opposed to Qualcomm providing a separate 5G modem for its phone partners. Another useful and interesting news going around is that the Snapdragon 895 will be made on Samsung’s 4nm node and not TSMC’s.
Since the chipset is made by Samsung we can expect there to be enough shipment of the new SoC. As we already know, TSMC is operating at full capacity for Apple in fulfilling initial 4nm chip shipments, thus, it would be hard for the Taiwanese manufacturer to accommodate orders for Qualcomm. Samsung on the other hand has enough resources available, but it is not confirmed how big of a difference we should see from the two manufacturing processes.
For now, there is no official release date for the Snapdragon 895, but it could officially arrive in the fourth quarter of this year. so stick around for more details.