Gadget accessory and consumer electronics brand UBON announced the launch of its new wireless speaker “BASS BOY” in India. UBON has come up with SP -64 Bass Boy Wireless Speaker with TWS Function in India, which is priced at Rs. 2,999. The newly launched Bass Boy wireless speaker is equipped with features like USB Charging, built-in microphone and portable speaker. It comes with multiple connectivity options USB Port, Micro TF/SD Card. The speaker also boasts features like FM connectivity, so if you are bored of your existing playlist, you can easily switch to FM mode and tune into your favorite FM stations. Compatible and easily pairable with iPhone, Android devices, and laptops as well, this speaker offers a power backup with the support of an inbuilt 1200mAh battery.
A highly versatile and easy to carry product which can be used for both outdoor parties and special occasions, this TWS speaker has a light-weight design and is extremely durable. This product also offers a supreme battery life of 1200mAh that can play music for more than 7 hours on a single recharge.
Commenting on the new launch, Mr. Mandeep Arora, Managing Director, UBON said, “Being a leading player in the consumer electronics industry, we, at UBON, always strive to provide innovative products to our customers at the best possible prices. UBON Bass Boy is designed in cylindrical form to provide a 360-degree sound experience to every corner and every direction. This newly launched product assures best-in-class music experience to our customers, making it the life of every party.”
The company offers a 6 months warranty. The SP-64. Bass Boy Wireless Speaker is available at all major ecommerce platforms and off-line stores across all over India.