Apple introduces its new generation iPad Pro packed with the self-made M1 chip. Hope you know, there are two models – 11 inches and 12.9 inches. Apart from the screen size, there is only one notable difference between these two and that’s the Mini-LED display. The 12.9-inch iPad Pro has a Mini-LED display, whereas the 11-inch model gets the Liquid Retina XDR display. Why this inequality? Most of us had this question in mind which is answered by Apple now.
In a YouTube video, Brain Tong was with Scott Broderick from iPad Product Marketing and Vincent Gu from iPad Display Engineering. Among so many other discussions, Tong asked the question of why the 12.9-inch iPad Pro has a Mini-LED display and the 11-inch iPad Pro doesn’t. Here’s the answer –
What we know about the 11-inch user is that they just love bringing a super-powerful iPad with them in a portable one-pound design… they just love the form factor of that. Whereas the user who is embracing the 12.9-inch display, they were looking for the largest canvas to do their most creative work on that product, and that made sense to bring that XDR technology to the 12-inch display for the iPad Pro.
The 11-inch iPad Pro is more compact and user-friendly than the 12.9-inch model. Due to the Liquid Retina XDR display the thickness is less, whereas the 12.9-in iPad Pro is bigger than the previous generation only because of the mini-LED technology. As per the executives, the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with M1 makes more sense for the professionals and the 11-inch new iPad Pro is handy for regular users.
You can check out the video for more information.
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