India’s No.1 wearable watch brand is back in the field with its new smartwatch NoiseFit Active. It was listed on Flipkart for around a week now. As this new smartwatch is a part of Flipkart Launch Hub, you probably can buy through this e-commerce platform only. The first sale is going to start today (21st May) at 12 noon. The price is Rs.3,499 and there are four color options available – Black, Blue, Grey, and Red. The buy link is given below.
Display :-
The NoiseFit Active 2 smartwatch features a 3.25 cm (1.28) round display with a touchscreen interface to facilitate efficient use. Moreover, it offers different types of cloud-based watch faces so that you can change the watch’s appearance according to your mood.
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Wellness Modes :-
This smartwatch is equipped with a wellness mode that comprises various helpful features that help you keep track of your health. This mode includes features, such as a 24×7 Heart Rate Monitor, Guided Breathing Sessions, SpO2 (Real-time Blood Oxygen Level Monitor), Sleep Monitor, and more, to ensure a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle.
Workout Modes :-
This smartwatch offers up to 14 sports modes along with auto-sports recognition so that you can effectively track your performance and enhance your skills.
Useful Features :-
This smartwatch is equipped with an array of useful features, with each of them having a specific benefit and use. You can use the Find My Phone feature to locate your phone easily. If you are planning a day trip, you can check the Weather Forecast feature on this smartwatch. You can also control your music playback remotely through its Remote Music Control function. Apart from these features, this smartwatch also provides you with a variety of features, such as Do Not Disturb, Screen-brightness Control, Vibration Alert, Call Rejection, and more.
Battery Life :-
This smartwatch offers a reliable battery life of up to 7 days on a full charge, so you can make use of all its features without having to recharge it frequently.
NoiseFit App :-
You can track your daily progress when it comes to your fitness goals and do much more using the dedicated NoiseFit App.
Bro they increased price, when might be the next deal for 3499?? Please reply.