Chinese smartphone brand Realme has recently announced the Realme UI 2.0 early access for the flagship Realme X7 Pro in India. The latest Realme UI 2.0 is based on Android 11. People who are interested in giving it a try can apply for earlier access by heading to the settings of Realme X7 Pro> Software Update Menu then taps on the settings icon in the upper right corner, then go to the Trial Version, and then click on Apply Now.
After submitting all the essential information and applied for the program of earlier access, and then when your application gets selected, the update will be received on yours. But before applying for the program you have to confirm that your X7 Pro is running on software with firmware version RMX2121PU_11.A.14. You should know that it has only limited seats available for this program, so hurry up if you are excited to check out the Realme UI 2.0 on your Realme X7 Pro device.
One thing you should keep in my mind that the early access build can create some known issues that can hamper the experience of the user, so it will be better not to install it on your main smartphone.
Some information about the updates
- Make sure that your smartphone is not rooted
- Third-party application versions will not be compatible with Android 11, after the update of the applications it might not be crashed on your device. It will be better to update all your applications to the new versions available in the Play Store.
- It may cause some unpredictable impact on your device.
- Before the update, please confirm that the available storage in your device is more than 5GB. Otherwise, it will be risky for your device.
- Due to some unpredictable factors like network communication and strategy adjustment, it is not guaranteed that every application can receive the update. It will be better to9 wait for the official release.
Known Issues
Please read it and be aware of the known issues in this version.
- This latest version will recommend Virtual buttons navigation
- Temporarily this version will disable the Swipe-up features and will become in the subsequent versions.
- There may be some lag exist in some scenes and will become optimized with the subsequent versions.
- The user can experience some lag while switch to the desktop using the Swipe gesture from all sides.
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