Sony India today refreshes its BRAVIA portfolio with the X75 series of smart Android televisions. This new series contains two screen size models – 43 inches and 50 inches respectively. Both the models are loaded with multiple features to deliver a crystal clear high-quality viewing experience along with proper audio and user experience.
The 43″ and 50″ models are marked as KD- 43X75 and KD- 50X75 respectively. Both these models have the exact same specification, the only change is the screen size. Here are the specs –
Specifications :-
The BRAVIA X75 series models are equipped with LCD panels having 3840×2160 resolution. It’s the baseline, to enhance the viewing experience there Sony added more in the back.
First comes Sony’s own X1 4K processor that uses advanced powerful algorithms to cut image noise and boost the details. For the contents not in 4K, there is a 4K X-Reality Pro feature. It upscales the 2K or Full HD contents and brings that near to 4K. A unique 4K database is used in this process. In addition, the Live Color feature of the TVs offers a lifelike picture experience with natural colors with no smudging or dulling of the image.
The X75 series televisions are running on Google Android. That means users have the access to Google Play Store, Google Voice assistant, and more. The 16GB storage on the board is used to install and run the applications like Netflix, Prime Video, etc. Coming to the audio part, there are two speakers with 10W of output each. It supports Dolby Atmos as well.
Lastly, the new BRAVIA X75 series is built with the new and improved X-Protection PRO technology that is made to last. Not only are they equipped with superior dust and humidity protection, but they also pass the highest standards of Sony’s lightning tests, meaning your TV is safeguarded from lightning strikes and power surges. Keep enjoying seamless entertainment with a TV that lasts longer.
Pricing & Availability :-
The BRAVIA X75 Series is currently available in the Indian market via all Sony Centers, major electronic stores, and e-commerce portals. The 43″ model i.e. KD-43X75 costs Rs.59,990 and the higher model i.e. KD-50X75 is available at Rs.72,990.