Upcoming AMD’s Radeon RX 6000M Mobility GPUs, which are expected to launch in the first half of this year, have been spotted within the latest display driver. Spotted by Komachi, the AMD Radeon RX 6000M Mobility GPUs will be based on the RDNA 2 architecture. As they will be succeeding the Radeon RX 5000M Mobility GPUs, it has to prove itself as its predecessor failed to impress.
Hopefully, with RDNA 2, AMD can finally get the laptop gamers to acknowledge its GPU. If the performance is great that it would mean that OEMs will provide much more Radeon RX 6000M options to consumers who will be buying high-end gaming and mainstream laptops.
Coming to the latest leaks, the Radeon RX 6800M was spotted within the latest AMD graphics display driver with the 73D5:C3 Device ID. It is a variant of the Navi 22 SKU with specifications that might end up being similar to the Radeon RX 6700 XT (Desktop graphics card).
According to the latest sources, there are at least three variants of the AMD Navi 22 SKU which exist with two being specific to the Radeon RX 6700 XT (different TGP flavors C1/C5) and the C3 variant for the Radeon RX 6800M.
The AMD Radeon RX 6800M will feature 2560 cores and 40 Ray Accelerator units. It will also feature a 96 MB of Infinity Cache and the memory size will be either 12 GB or even 24 GB with the 192-bit bus interface.
To compete against Nvidia’s RTX 3080 mobility GPU, it is possible that AMD could release the RX 6800M with 24 GB and the RX 6700M with 12 GB VRAM. The Navi 22 lineup is also rumored to come in 145W, 135W, 100W, and 90W flavors TGP flavors.