As we know that WhatsApp’s latest privacy policy has been a major issue since its introduction, and many of the users still have speculations regarding the policy even after the explanations provided by the social media service.
A few months back, WhatsApp stated that it would be postponing the implementation of its new policy in the country. Even though WhatsApp has spent months addressing users’ concerns and confusion about its planned policy update, we hear that the Indian government is still not concerned about the company’s new policy.
According to the latest sources, the Indian government on Friday took its stance against WhatsApp’s planned privacy update, stating that it violates local laws on several counts.
The federal government of the country asked the court to prevent the Facebook-owned messaging app from rolling out the update in India. This action stands to harm the social media company in a big way, as India is WhatsApp’s biggest market.
“Social media in recent years has been used by billions of people around the world and millions of Indians today are dependent on WhatsApp. Therefore, information that is generally personal is shared at an enormous level. This information is susceptible to being misused if the social media giant decides to either sell or exploit the information, sensitive to the users, to any third party.”
Earlier, we have heard that India’s IT ministry had written to Will Cathcart, the head of WhatsApp, to express its “grave concerns” about the update and its implications. However, the recent updates with the Indian government state that, WhatsApp didn’t manage to impress the Indian government with its justification.
“As we said in January when this matter was first raised: we wish to reinforce that this update does not expand our ability to share data with Facebook. We aim to provide transparency and new options available to engage with businesses so they can serve their customers and grow. WhatsApp will always protect personal messages with end-to-end encryption so that neither WhatsApp nor Facebook can see them. We are working to address misinformation and remain available to answer any questions.”
India’s government is standing against WhatsApp’s latest policy update firmly and has even created problems for the social media giant with its new IT laws.
According to the source, the latest IT law introduced in the Indian parliament we have heard that WhatsApp is required to compromise the famous end-to-end encryption of its service.